Sunday, June 15, 2008

Cottleson Pie

Getting ready to flee Shallow Alto for India requires a few things:
An excuse (not hard to dream up)
Some sense of grounding
A road map (hopefully better than what Bush worked out for the Middle East)

For number one I thank Stanford's comparative politics field.

For number two I owe whatever groundedness (yes, another non-Merriam Webster word Uncle Mark) I have to my week of pampering with the San Diego chapter of the Brule Clan.

For number three I defer to Pooh:

"Cottleson, cottleson, cottleson pie. A fly can't bird but a bird can
If I can follow this advice from the Tao of Pooh I may be fine.

Stay tuned for something meaningful but all I can promise is a fairly regular proof of my existence while scouring the Badlands of NW India for proof of disputes.


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